Not too long ago, I gave a podcast interview where the host said she felt like she was always babysitting her team.
Instead of taking things off her plate, she was trapped in the Delegate and Decide role in her business, where she was doing very little of the work she loved and was bogged down by all this minutia she couldn’t stand.
I’ve known a lot of small business owners who get stuck in this place, and more often than not, these entrepreneurs tend to scale back their dreams and go back to solopreneurship.
But is that what you really want?
What if you could fix the problems with your team – the constant interruptions, the avoidable mistakes, and the underlying worry that some hidden problem is going to create a major hit to your reputation – and feel more supported by and excited about your work?
I’m going to let you in on the secret to turning things around, but I have to warn you. You might not like what I’m about to say…
The problem isn’t your people.
Team leadership is a skill, and if you haven’t invested in learning how to lead people well, you’re going to keep running into the same roadblocks.
This is amazing news, because it means you already have everything you need to turn things around!
How do I know that?
When you started out, did you know how to set up hosting for your website, lead a webinar, hold a sales call, or take payments?
I sure didn’t, and when I look back on all the skills I learned in setting up my first company, I’m a bit amazed at the energy and drive younger Brigitte had, all while working an extremely demanding day job.
As a business owner, you figured all these things out, and by now, you probably take for granted all the new skills you had to learn to get where you are.
If you’ve been feeling stuck in Delegate and Decide mode, it’s not a sign to let go of the team and scale back your business.
You’ve just hit a plateau with the team and need a little help getting your momentum back.
Imagine being able to step away from the day-to-day knowing your team has it handled—not just “good enough,” but in a way that aligns with your standards, values and your brand’s promise.
When you have the right systems in place and know how to empower your team, you can move out of that Delegate and Decide role and into the one you dreamed of when you started this business: Visionary. Creator. Speaker. Author. Thought Leader.
Chill business owner who works 20 hours a week and gets to do what you want the rest of the time!
I’m working on something new to help business owners build themselves out of their businesses by improving leadership habits, streamlining systems, and operationalizing your values.
This is the beta version, and I’d love to ask you a few questions about the format, topics and timing I have in mind.
Woud you be open to a quick coffee chat? Heres the link:
It would mean a lot to me if you’d share your thoughts, whether you ultimately join me or not.